Retirement is a time when many people look forward to enjoying their free time, traveling, and fulfilling their long-awaited dreams. However, going back to school during retirement can offer many benefits that may not have been available during earlier years. Read More …
Category: Uncategorized
John and Clif May 2023
John and Clif March 2023
John and Clif April 4 2023 Introducing Elevin Morales
John and Clif May 2022, Denim Day Results, Changes at the Hart Mall
If you want to subscribe to my podcast, search for A. John Peters Learning Systems from your favorite podcast app.
John and Clif April 4th 2022, The importance of Denim Day, Podcasting, Training and Classes.
John and Cliff March 2022 Ukraine SCAMS, Broadband, Hart Mall and Classes
John and Cliff Discuss Broadband, New Classes and other various Topics
There are 2 call-ins during this segment. Pro and Con on Broadband in Todd County
Cliff and John on the Radio August 2, 2021
Listen to Cliff and John talk about computers, computer classes, how to protect you equipment during storms, the Olympics and just having fun. Listen Here
John and Cliff on the Radio June 7th 2021
Today we talked about the weather, technology for Prairie Days, crypto currency and more. You can get all of our shows by subscribing to the podcast. Look for A. John Peters Computer services on your favorite podcast player. Here is Read More …